October 14, 2010

Mexico Day 5,6

I apologize in advance for the long post. I just know if I don't get the rest of our Mexico trip posted now I'll never get it posted.

Day 5 (Sunday) in Mexico was amazing. In the morning we walked over to the Marina and did some shopping. We watched the dolphin's for a while and headed back to the resort. Before we left for Mexico DJ and I were both looking forward to a massage so badly. We've both only had one professional massage ever and that was in February. We scheduled an 80 minute couples massage. I was in heaven. We both sat in the sauna and steam room before relaxing in the outdoor hot tub before the massage. I loved my massage but DJ wasn't thrilled about his.

Of course we couldn't go the day without checking up on NFL Sunday - it's tradition to have it on all day in our house. DJ knew he couldn't spend the day watching football, even though he would have loved to so we ventured out into the ocean again. Word of advice - don't go into the ocean after having been rubbed down with massage oil! We had to get out of the water as soon as we got in. All the fish smelt the massage oil and swarmed around us. I was a little afraid of being nibbled on so we went to relax in the pool instead.

Sunday night we ate dinner at the Italian restaurant - Portofino. I LOVED it! The tiramisu was the best and it was a 4 course meal with red wine. I didn't want to leave. We sat on the patio while eating and watched the sunset over our beach. How much better could it have gotten?

 But of course it rained that night so instead of watching football on the beach we hung out with everyone else in the sports bar and watched the game.

Monday was DJ's day. He was so happy. We woke up early for breakfast and relaxing time on the beach. The resort offered free kayak's for an hour each day and I finally convinced DJ to go out with me. I had so much fun doing that. We walked around the beach for a while and picked up sea shells for Taylor.

I loved how close the fish would get to us and how well you could see them through the top of the water.

After laying around for awhile we went golfing! DJ was looking forward to this so much. The course was beautiful. I wasn't too fond of the sign at the entrance warning of poisonous trees and snakes. They said if your ball went off the course into a darkened area they advise against going in after it. I told DJ we wouldn't get close to the edge.
Isn't the club house amazing? During the busy season there is a full spa, restaurant, bar and pool open inside. Man I lucked out!

The driving range. . .

I kept telling DJ he was very lucky they were so generous because he got a really good looking caddy while we were there. Unfortunately she didn't work very much. . .

I got to spend the VERY hot afternoon driving the golf cart and watching where the ball went. I think it was the hottest day we spent in Mexico.
Here are random pictures of the course. . .

We were so tired after the golf and heat that we just took the night easy and watched the Ravens game on the beach.

We had to take this picture because the Ravens are DJ's brother, Preston's, favorite team.
We met a really nice couple at the bar. They were on their honeymoon - Tara and Scott. Such nice people.

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