October 6, 2010

Mexico Day 4

(Life has been crazy - sorry for not posting)

On day 4 of our Mexico trip we had so much fun - probably the best day of the trip. We woke up early and went on a catamaran trip. The boat is called the Catamaya. It was a 4 hour excursion with lunch, drinks and snorkeling. The crew members were so much fun.

DJ and I were the first people to arrive. There were 14 of us total. I loved the marina though. It would have been so nice to have stayed right there on the water looking at all the boats all the time.

 I loved this house! It was right on the opening of the marina. I told DJ I want to buy it.

We sailed out about a mile and a half south of our resort. I loved sailing and seeing nothing but clear blue ocean in front of us. I've never really been snorkeling and I was a bit nervous. I'm afraid of fish, yes even little fish, getting too close. DJ and our tour guide kept laughing at me because I would have my face in the water, trying to talk to DJ through the snorkel gear. Oops! It was beautiful though. We snorkeled for about 45 minutes and got back on the boat for lunch. We had the option of lobster, steak or shrimp kabobs for lunch. DJ and I both chose the lobster and man was it ever amazing!

 While we were eating lunch I told DJ there was another couple on the boat that I didn't recognize from before. I thought maybe they were from the other snorkeling group and got on the wrong boat. It was a young European couple that was staying at one of the resorts we were stopped by. They had made a bet with their friends that they couldn't swim out to one of the boats and back (not bright, I know) and if they made it there and back the friends would buy them a drink. So they swam from the beach to our boat; they said it took about 30 minutes to swim there. The crew thought it was so funny so they let them on board, fed them lunch, offered them drinks and when we were getting ready to leave they jumped back in the water and swam back to their friends. What a great vacation story they have now!

After lunch they cranked up the music and we sailed around for a while just relaxing, some people we dancing. I loved laying on the front of the boat working on my tan. I could literally do that every day.

When we got off the boat we walked over to a restaurant in the marina called The Pub. Some people at our resort had recommended it and said they had amazing 2 for 1 margaritas. Who could pass that up. Sure enough, they were huge margaritas that were not light on the tequila.

After drinking so much on the boat DJ had to finish my 2nd one because they were just too much. They had the best hamburger and fries I have ever had though. And I loved watching the dolphins jump in front of us while we ate.

When we got back to the resort DJ fell asleep. We were both so exhausted but if I got into bed I would be done for the night. So while DJ took a nap I sat on our patio and watched the sunset. It was amazing. It felt like the sunsets last forever out there.

We ate dinner at El Patio - the resorts Mexican food restaurant. It was very good. All of the restaurants were so well decorated. They are all open air too. We sat right next to a large windowed area feeling the ocean breeze while we ate. This was the lighting of the restaurant. 

 The rest of the night we hung out with a few couples from the resort and made it an early night.  

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