January 21, 2011

Running Running Running

I promise to get new pictures posted soon but for now I will at least catch everyone up on the happenings of our little family. . .

 - DJ got the job he so wanted with Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. He is so excited and counting down the days until he starts. He doesn't start until mid March but that will be here before we know it.

 - Taylor is getting her 2 year molars in. We are finally getting a break before the last one comes in and I am so thankful for that! She is not a happy baby at all when she is teething. I'm hoping it's a few weeks before the last one comes in because DJ and I do not enjoy sleepless nights, screaming, crying and seeing our lil' baby in pain

 - The spring semester has started. After a month away from school it's a little hard to get back into a good study routine. I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology, Sociology of Family Dynamics and Nutrition this semester. The Anatomy class filled quicker than admissions thought it would and they are not sure yet if all the students are going to be able to stay in the class. There are 32 people a class that is supposed to hold 22. Oops. I will know by the end of this weekend if I get to take the class

 - DJ and I have been going to the gym on a regular basis now. I LOVE it. The feeling of being active, doing something for myself and getting back into shape is such an amazing feeling. We have also been eating healthier as well and I can see the weight dripping off with all the sweat. I am finally back under 160 pounds! It feels so good. Today I really noticed a difference. I have a favorite pair of work out pants that have been a little too tight for a while now. They hug me in all the wrong places and really give me a "muffin top" (you know, where your pants squeeze all your fat above your waist line. . .) and today they are slightly lose! I couldn't believe it! I am looking forward to seeing more results!

 - Taylor is continuing to go to gymnastics. She is so cute there and I love that she starts practicing all of her gymnastics move at home. It's so funny to watch her go but she has gained so much coordination from it

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