December 18, 2010

Santa & Cookies

Last night we took Taylor to go see Santa. For weeks now DJ and I have been talking her up about seeing Santa. She would tell everyone that she was going to ask Santa for presents and when we would ask her what kind of presents she would say pink ones. It was really cute. She even said one day she was going to go buy Santa a present at Wal-Mart (she loves that store for some reason).

The BassPro Shop by our house was supposed to have a good Santa and the first picture they took was free. Even better.
(Sorry for the picture quality - it's a picture of a picture)

Taylor was scared when it was her turn to go up so DJ and I had to be in the picture with her. DJ and I love the facial expression she has though. So cute. She did manage to tell him that she would like pink presents though so that is a plus. She told him bye and waved but wouldn't get close. At least she didn't cry. We've also been talking about the Christmas cookies and milk we are going to leave for Santa on Christmas Eve. Of course you can't leave Santa just any cookies. . . they have to be special. . .

So today we had our big Christmas baking day! 

Every year DJ's mom, Grandma, sister and I bake a TON of really yummy treats. I love this. And this year was even more special because Taylor loves to help bake! It was only the girls today too. We laughed, listened to Christmas music and enjoyed all the chaos of baking a million things at once.

We made No-Bake-Cookies, Fudge (with and without nuts for those weirdos that don't like nuts), Nut Balls, Red Velvet Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting, Peanut Brittle, Snickers Cookies, Sugar Cookies and chocolate covered pineapple.

 Taylor had a lot of fun. She helped me make the Red Velvet Cookies and helped both Grandma and Great Grandma roll the Nut Balls.

 She was so proud of herself for helping roll out the cookies. And really, her 'round' cookies did turn out pretty good since she did them all by herself. All that playing around with the play dough is paying off! :o)

Her attention spam ran short and she became the official taste tester. She would sneak into the next room and grab all sorts of goodies off the tables.

She decided to help again when it was time to start the sugar cookies. She loved pushing really hard on the cookie cutters and thought all of them needed to be cut. You can just see all the excitement. She wasn't very patient when the dough needed to be rolled out and when she saw we had sprinkles for them she didn't want to wait for them to bake.

By the end of the day we were all worn out.

The sugar cookies are always last because they take so long to frost. They did turn out very pretty this year. . .

 There's nothing like baking all day to put you in the Christmas spirit. And now we have cookies to leave out for Santa

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