February 15, 2011

Major Improvement

It's so hard not to cry when you realize your little baby girl isn't really a baby girl anymore and that she is in fact a Little Girl.

This past weekend DJ and I upgraded Taylor's bedroom in hopes it would help change her sleeping habits. Her sleeping has improved so much! She needs her own space when she sleeps and her toddler bed just wasn't cutting it. DJ and I have been wanting a new mattress for a long time too.

I wanted to cry when I had to clean off the changing table, take down her baby bedding that's been the same since we brought her home from the hospital. It's sad to accept that your baby isn't a baby anymore. But it's so cute to see how she's growing up.

Here's her room before the upgrade:
(Ignore the different colored paint on the wall . . . it's a long story)

I'm so glad we made the changes though because it looks so much better now. Here is how her room currently looks:
 But when she isn't sprawled across the bed sleeping her bed looks like this. . .
There are A LOT of pillows on her bed. Three of the pillows are tossed off at night. We bought two big matching body pillows to lay down each side of the bed to keep her from going anywhere in the middle of the night.

DJ and I gave Taylor our queen size mattress and we upgraded to a king size mattress - and I LOVE IT! Taylor hasn't slept in our bed with us since we made these changes but I have to wonder how we made it in a queen size bed with her wedged between us some nights.

Taylor is so excited about her big girl bed. So glad we made this improvement and I can tell by how well Taylor has been sleeping at night that she is happy about it too!

1 comment:

JC Mom said...

Her big girl room looks great! I love the comforter and the monkey...