April 22, 2011

Kansas . . Part 2

For Taylor, no trip to my parents would be complete without a trip to the park.

We took a road trip to Manhattan one day. I always feel like a trip to Kansas is incomplete without stopping at two places - my grandparents old farm house and my "Old Manhattan House". It's been a while since I last saw the house I lived in but Kara summed it up - 'not even really worth taking pictures of'. I felt crushed when I saw what poor shape it was in. Almost all of my happiest memories are in this house and it was horrible to see it run down; not to mention the fact that my amazing tree house and swings are torn down and the tree that once held them. I took pictures anyway. . .

This house will always be beautiful. One of the ladies that babysat me lived in this house. I remember eating PB&J's in one of the bedroom on her hope chest

 We just had to drive by campus. I love all the old buildings. So beautiful. I would have gotten pictures but it was raining . . .
And a personal favorite. . . Vista Burger. Everyone laughed but I remember my dad picking me up from preschool and always taking me here. . .

We were lucky enough that day to join my Aunt and her daughter for lunch. I loved seeing them even though it was a short visit. I wish they lived closer. . .

To be continued. . .

1 comment:

Nancy said...

it was good to see you :)
p.s. i have a fondness for vista too.