June 4, 2011

Sun up . . . Sun Down

I woke up with lots of random thoughts today . . .

 - Since I returned to work I have not slept well at all. I've been on a good routine for over a year now of staying up well into the early morning hours working on homework while everyone else sleeps and waking up around 7:30-8am when Taylor wakes up. It's worked just fine for me. But now that I am working again I wake up around 6am so I am able to get ready before Taylor wakes up. It allows us to spend more time playing and less time for me stressing about getting ready for work and being rushed. This means though that I am asleep before the sun has even fully set and awake before the sun is rising. I hope my body adjusts soon so I can more fully enjoy these summer hours!

 - I really enjoy my job. It's very fast paced and I thought my boss was kidding when she said there was usually never a second of down time unless our computer system crashed. She was kidding and I love it. The days really fly by fast. One thing I have really enjoyed are the lunch breaks. That sounds horrible - I know. But the view from the hospital cafeteria is wonderful. . .

I've loved just sitting out there soaking up the sun for a little bit each day.

 - Taylor doesn't seem to mind my returning to work either. She spends her days hanging out with Grandma, running errands and playing in the back yard. I was sad when I realized my baby has a better tan than I do.

 - I'm so proud of myself. It's not the week before Father's Day and I already know what we are getting for DJ and what we are going to do to celebrate what an amazing dad he is

 - I miss my sister like crazy. I love text, email and skype for allowing me to 'talk' to her all the time but it doesn't compare to curling up with a cup of coffee and talking for hours about everything.

 - I had to work early on Tuesday and when I was leaving for work Taylor was still sleeping. I called her after my class and this was our conversation:
Me: "HI Baby. I just wanted to say Hi and tell you that I love you since you were still sleeping this morning"
Taylor: "Are you going to cry now Mom?"

 - I love that Taylor has such a great imagination. Her new favorite game is 'Drive Thru'. She hops in her LittleTykes car in the backyard and rolls over to the fence. She sits with her hand under her chin and acts like she is sitting in the drive thru waiting to order. When it's her turn she orders chicken nuggets for everyone, a lemonade for Daddy and a vanilla shake for Grandma. Then she runs over and asks everyone for cash. Grandma reached into her pocket and handed Taylor pretend cash. Taylor didn't even reach for it. She just looked at Grandma like she was crazy and said , "No Grandma. Real cash".

 - Sitting on the couch the other night with DJ, eating ice cream I realized my math class (only class I'm taking this semester) begins on Monday. Now I'll be working on homework as soon as Taylor goes to bed or before she wakes up. In a way I didn't miss that.

 - Today we are going to Elitches with Uncle Joel and Aunt Ranee. I'm so excited to spend time with them. And I am so excited to take Taylor to an amusement park. . . more on that later . . .  

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