May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Saturday DJ had to work but Taylor and I got a lot of stuff done. We played, ran errands and had a movie night with Grandma and Grandpa. How Do You Know is a very cute movie.

Sunday was a little rough in the beginning. In the morning we took a trip out to the cemetery to visit Andrew. (if you don't know who Andrew is, click Here). I don't think DJ and I fully expected Taylor to ask so many questions and I know neither of us were prepared to answer the questions she was asking. She asked if we were going to Andrew's house, where Andrew went. She blew him a kiss when we were leaving and kept yelling "Bye Andrew" as we walked back to the car. One day we will be able to explain Andrew to Taylor and she will understand just how wonderful he was and she will understand the greatness of his sacrifice.

We spent Sunday afternoon walking through Boulder and window shopping on Pearl Street Mall. We found a Croc's store and Taylor was in heaven. Who knew there was a 3 level Croc's store so close. We could be in trouble. The Boulder Festival was going on so we got to see lots of interesting things. . .
We grilled with DJ's family and planned on playing in the backyard.
Taylor helped DJ pick up after the dogs. . .

Today DJ was back at work so Taylor and I had a craft/cleaning day. While she napped I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen and vacuumed. And when she was awake, in between loads of laundry we did this . .

She said she wanted to paint it like her bed but couldn't decide between stripes or polka-dots. We did both - one on each side. She loves doing crafts but I think for a week strait she may be asking to paint.

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