July 31, 2011

But I AM Old!!

In reality Taylor will be turning 3 in exactly 2 months and 1 week. From the sounds of our conversations lately it feels like she's about to turn 17. I don't like it. The other day she crawled into bed with DJ and I around 8am and just started rambling on and on. DJ and I would throw our two cents in occasionally but she held the conversation all on her own. But at the same time DJ and I basically sat up and said "That's it. This conversation is over!' Here's what she told us: (I'll try to type it like she sounds so you get the whole idea)
"I was hanging out wif my friends the oder day and my best friend at Hobby Lobby's. And my best friend. And my best friend's boyfriend was there and he was drinking a beer and . . ."
At that exact moment DJ and I both cut her off and said it wasn't ok for her to talk like that.
But we've also been having the same conversation with each other for the past two weeks and today it hit a new low. After showering with Aunt Jessica, Taylor came to me one day holding her belly button and said "Mommy, I need my button button ring". I was shocked at first, laughed a little and said when she was old like Aunt Jessica we would talk about it then. She got a little sassy (picture her standing on her bed, me changing her clothes and she is talking dramatically with her hands - like always)and said "But Mom! I'm almost 3 (free as she says), I AM old!! This conversation stays the same almost daily - until today. While I changed her this morning out of her night time pull-up and into panties she tells me she needs a button ring again. I told her no (again) and lifted my shirt and said "Mommy doesn't even have a belly button ring. You don't need one baby". Her response was "That's because your fatter Mommy". I couldn't believe she said that. It stings a little. . . Maybe I already need to think about putting limits on who she hangs out with??

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