August 19, 2011

A Wedding

No, not mine. . .

But a few weeks ago now DJ and I were part of one of the most beautiful weddings I've seen. Our friends Chad and Amanda got married on August 6th.

DJ served as Best man and I was a bridesmaid.

The rehearsal/dinner was the night before and it was so much fun. After dinner the bride, myself and Amy (the maid of honor) stayed in the bridal suit downtown at the hotel and hug out in the hot tub drinking lemon drops and enjoying the views of downtown. There isn't a better way to spend the night before your wedding.

You could see the church from a window in the hotel - wow. It's the oldest church in Denver. I'm sad I didn't get a picture of the sanctuary because it was gorgeous.

The day of the wedding we woke up, ran down to the lobby for some Starbucks and hung out in the room. We ordered room service and relaxed. It was a great time.

Then came the prep work . . .

The girls Amanda had do our hair were amazing. They were like an army of two.

 We headed over to the church to change. I've never experienced getting a bride into their gown and let me tell you - this was not easy. There should be classes on this for bridesmaids before the wedding or something. It took me forever to get the corset tight enough so Amanda wouldn't lose her dress all night. I loved her dress though - absolutely breath taking. . .

Amanda's mom is wonderful.
(She babysits Taylor us when we need one)
 Chad's niece was the flower girl . . .

I'll try to add more pictures of the wedding party etc but unfortunately when you are in the wedding there isn't much time to sit back and take pictures. . . So on to the party!

Taylor was so excited about being able to go to Uncle Chad and Aunt Amanda's wedding. She talked about how much she was going to dance there for a few weeks before hand. . .
DJ was so handsome in his tux . . .

And lucky for lil' Miss Taylor her best friend Emma and her family were there . . .

 Me and my Baby. . .
The view of downtown was amazing. . . Can you tell Taylor was excited?

Amy, the maid of honor, and her boyfriend Chris. . . (they'll be next :o)

The bridesmaids - Ann, Chrystal (the Grooms Sister), Amy

Chad was nice enough to cover her dress with a napkin before smashing cake in her face . . .

DJ and the Bride's mom . . .

As hard as anyone tried, they couldn't get Taylor off the dance floor that night. . .

So to steal a line from DJ's best man speech (which was amazing by the way) - Here's to a life of love and happiness for Chad and Amanda!

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