September 21, 2011

Love - Hate

Right now there are a few things I am loving so much I just have to share them. . . and some things I'm not lovin' so much. . .

 ~ LOVE ~ the new Jason Aldean CD. Favorite songs on the CD are Fly Over States and Country Boy's World. Makes me want to take a drive in Kansas. If you haven't heard these songs go take a listen . . .

~ HATE ~ that almost every day this week DJ has left for work just after I get home and I have been leaving for work just as he is getting off work. 1 hour a day is not enough time to spend with him. Especially when I'm sharing the hour with Taylor and making dinner. I'd rather he spend that 1 hour with Taylor than me any day because she loves her Daddy so much but man I sure miss him.

 ~ LOVE ~ my Victoria's Secret robe! Got it in pink but wish I had every color. It's long enough to actually cover my butt when I bend over and doesn't constantly need retied! Love it!

~ HATE ~ catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror early in the morning before getting in the shower and realizing just how much weight you have gained . . . yikes! I need to run

~ LOVE ~ freshly baked cinnamon rolls and coffee for breakfast (maybe this is my problem with the above lol) - I swear this is not the usual breakfast in our house , except the coffee part.

~ HATE ~  this movie

I know, I know. Hate is a strong word for this but there is no other feeling. Taylor is obsessed with this movie. She has been for several months now. She feels that she needs to watch it 3-5 times a day. We know this movie by heart. She's even came into our room at 2am asking to watch her Barbie movie. On family movie nights it's a fight to get her to pick a different movie. Remember how VHS movies would wear out in certain areas if the movie was watched too much? Maybe that could happen with this DVD.

~ Love ~ that Taylor has something she loves to much (Barbie movie). As irritating as I find this movie I do find it a little comforting that she has become so attached to it. She was never the baby that had to have a certain blanket, stuffed animal or pacifier.

~ HATE ~ that Taylor wants a sibling so badly and right now it's just not something we are ready for (as much as I want that too)
 Here was our conversation when walking through Target Saturday :
Taylor was sitting in the buggy and started screaming that I needed to stop. I thought she was pinched or hurt or something
 Me: Is everything ok? What's wrong?!?
Tay: We need to look at the baby stuff Mom.
Me: No sweetie, we don't have time. Your a big girl now
 so we don't need anything in the baby department.
Tay: Yes we do Mom. I need to look because after my
birthday I'm going to get a baby brother or sister.
Me: WHAT!?!? Who told you that? You are not going to get
 a brother or sister after your birthday.
Tay: Well, yeah Mom. After my birthday I'm going to have a brother or
sister and I need to look at the baby stuff for them.
Everyone in the isle was watching us and listening to our conversation.

~ LOVE ~ that fall is here. The crisp mornings and bright sunshine are the perfect combo.

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