October 1, 2011

Belated Birthday

I'm WAY WAY behind on posting this but from my last post I'm sure you understand why :o)

In August DJ turned 26. Carrie celebrated the big 5 0. Paul turned 49.

I wasn't kidding when I said I was way behind. . .

For Carrie's birthday we all went downtown for dinner. Some how I have no pictures of that. I think it might be because we gave Carrie a new camera for her birthday and we were too busy playing with that one. We had a really good time though. Taylor made her a Dairy Queen bear at Build-A-Bear. Taylor didn't want to give it to Grandma but she kindly obliged in the end. We named the lil' guy Heath Capp Blizzard for Grandma's favorite DQ Blizzard. He smells like chocolate. 

We decided to do something fun for DJ and Paul's birthdays. We usually always celebrate them together - they are 5 days apart. We went to Boondocks and played around for a little while.

 Taylor and DJ will have the same 'driving' face . . .

This was Great Grandma's expression when she first started riding with Jess . . .

Then we saw Great Grandma like this  - It is not a posed picture . . . Great Grandma says they go too fast!

Taylor really wanted to ride the bumper boats. She didn't realize we would get wet until it was too late to get out.

Taylor was so excited to drive her own go-cart. She was surprisingly really good.

 Next year I promise to be better about wishing Happy Birthday's :o)

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