October 5, 2011

My Life This Week

Life has been crazy the last couple of weeks but especially crazy this week. Here are a few random things going on in my little world now . . .

I love when you wake up early. The whole house is quiet. It's still dark outside. It's the perfect time to grab your coffee, sit in front of the computer and just have some 'ME' time. I look forward to this time so much. I am such a happier Mommy when I get to wake up by myself in the mornings and just enjoy the quietness that usually never is. These mornings are very few but man I sure take advantage of them when I can. There's just one problem . . . I must give off a happy vibe so strong it wakes everyone else up. No kidding. In the last few weeks I have noticed that it doesn't matter how quiet I am. As soon as I have coffee in hand and am in the process of sitting down I hear little feet emerge from the bedroom and this little crackling morning voice searching for Mommy. As soon as I get her back to sleep (because it's 5:15 and that is just too dang early for her to be awake), grab my coffee and get situated into my comfy little spot, another pair of feet emerge from the bedroom. Thankfully that pair of feet can put themselves back to bed :o)

Just for fun . . .

This is how you keep an almost 3 year old occupied long enough to get some work done while moving (excuse the picture quality - I only had my phone close by)

Make her show off her muscles when she helps you move a bed set. . . I wouldn't try to take her on any day :o)

Let her clean her own fridge. She felt like such a big girl.

Now back to the packing tape and boxes

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