November 5, 2011

Halloween 2011 Cont. . .

Halloween was very exciting around here because this is the first year Taylor really understood it. Life around here has been very crazy the past few weeks (more on that later) so we weren't able to partake in all the normal Halloween hoopla like we usually do. We missed going to a pumpkin patch this year and it's the first year I have bought our pumpkins at a grocery store. It made me a little sad. But what made me really sad was finding out while we were pumpkin shopping DJ got called to work. That left Taylor and I to carve pumpkins by ourselves. It just wasn't the same as doing it with DJ. We've been carving pumpkins together for the last 6 years. Even in our first apartment I think I made him help me carve like 6 pumpkins. He might tell you otherwise but I think he had a lot of fun that year. :o) Anyways, back to this year . . .

Sunday Taylor and I carved our pumpkins. Aunt Jess bought Taylor a really cute Mickey set that Taylor was able to do all on her own. Cleaning out the pumpkin wasn't required but we did it just for the seeds :o)

It's so much easier to carve pumpkins with a half naked baby. Her clothes would be stained orange otherwise.

I love that she isn't afraid of cleaning out the pumpkin guts. Usually I'm the one doing all the cleaning out.

Taylor was so proud of this little guy. When DJ brought them into the garage Halloween night she made him bring Mickey all the way in because she didn't want him to get "frozen and you know, all soggy and just gross".

Taylor got so much candy. Saturday night we went to a trunk-or-treat event, Sunday we went to the gymnastics Halloween party. She won cutest costume again. I don't know where my camera was but at least we got pictures with my phone. . .

Monday she started getting sick so we didn't get many pictures but Grandma got this picture while we were going around our neighborhood. I was so happy DJ wasn't working Halloween night. He and Grandma took turns going around with me and Taylor and then handing out candy at home. We had so many trick-or-treator's - we went through 5 bags of candy!

She was so funny to watch going door to door. I swear she rang one 'ding bell' like 5 times! It's a good thing she's so dang cute. She had a blast Halloween night. 

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