December 5, 2011

Catch Up

Time has totally slipped away from me lately. I wish I could stop time for just one day, catch up on everything that's been piling up and start the clock again when I'm done. Isn't that every mom's dream at one point or another?

So much has been going on around here.

After a crazy whirl-wind couple of months I am so happy to say that Taylor is finally over being sick. She had her well baby check up which lead to appointments with a pediatric cardiologist and eye specialist. In the mean time she also got several ear infections, pink eye and had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. (more on this is coming soon)

Thanksgiving was amazing. I know I am getting pretty late on posting anything about it. We had so many things to be thankful for this year - our house, family, friends, health. Once again, I have no pictures of Thanksgiving this year. While we enjoyed Thanksgiving, it didn't feel like a holiday this year. DJ got stuck working and it just wasn't the same without him here.

We didn't go crazy with Black Friday this year like we have in years past. I have to admit I was a little bummed we weren't carrying on with tradition and joining all the other crazies at 2am for door-buster deals. Taylor and I did get out around 8am to shop and let me tell you . . . It's not easy shopping with a toddler on BlackFriday. Just a note for anyone going next year. DJ and I went shopping later in the afternoon for his big Christmas gift (more on that later). I know, I know. He shopped for his own gift. But he got exactly what he wanted and I've been told that's sort of how it goes when you buy your first house.

Most of our Christmas shopping is already done. We had a 'date' night and got all of Taylor's shopping done in one night. She can't wait for Santa to come. She'd like Baby Alive and a pink watch. But if you give her a toy catalog she'll point to every toy and say "I want that".

We finally got our kitchen decorated. I plan on cleaning it this weekend and posting pictures. I thought our laundry room would be done by now too but we hit a bump in the road and my wall decal didn't turn out right.

School finals are coming up really quick. I've already had to do an English final. I'm so excited for my month off between semesters. I already know what I am going to do with my spare time too. I can't wait to read a book I actually want to read. Next semester is going to really kick my butt so I need to soak up the free time while I can.

We have all of our Christmas decorations up now including the tree. Taylor loved that! We got super cute family decorations this year. Can't wait to share them with you - hopefully this week!

Is December flying by for everyone else?

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