June 21, 2012

Little Stuff

We have had a fun summer so far with me being home. We haven't gone anywhere or done anything really crazy but I've gotten A LOT done and  we've had a bunch of fun hanging out around home. So far this summer. . .  

We've spent a decent amount of time at the pool. . .
 She's a fish in the water! And she even learned to float on her back . . .

I cleaned out every room in the house and got stuff ready for a garage sale. I spread it out over two days. Taylor was so patient the whole time so I rewarded her with a trip to Sonic for slushies and then to the pool (see her above enjoying that thing). Now it's all sitting neatly in the basement waiting for the day we do the sale. I was proud of myself for getting it all done so quickly.

 She was so excited about new red lady bug earrings we gave her. . .

We've taken many afternoon naps on the couch after playing so hard. Man this girl is knocked out!

While she's been napping I've been organizing my recipes. . . finally. I tear so many out of magazines and they all just sat in a drawer in my office. Now they are all nicely saved to my computer, picture included. I just need to print them out and put them in my recipe binder. Wonder how long that will take me.

 Before it's gotten too hot out we've walked down to the park. . .

 We got to do a fun craft with her friends. I just threw together things we already had at home and we made Caterpillars out of egg cartons.

 She loved dipping her finger in the pink paint for polka dots. . .

 She has started making her own bed and is so proud of herself. . .

 I let her paint her own nails one day. . . Thank goodness it washes right off. Whoever invented washable nail polish for little girls is a genius.

 We've had so many evenings outside with the neighborhood girls playing. They drive their cars together while talking on their 'cell phones' pretending to meet for dinner, shopping and other fun girl stuff. It's giving us a glimpse into the future when they are really old enough to drive. Here they were consulting their maps (from the zoo) to pick a restaurant to go to. These girls have made everyone's house something different. I think this night our house was a cafe.

 Taylor had her very first sleepover. Our neighbors were attending a wedding and I was watching their girls so they just stayed the night. We had a picnic in the living room, went to the park, and painted nails. They were so cute.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for us. We already have a craft day planned with a great friend of mine and her new baby boy, trips to the pool, camp fires in the back yard with s'mores, and making fairies in jars with the neighborhood girls.

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