June 8, 2012

Road Trip to Sterling

A few weeks back Taylor and I took a little day trip. We went to Sterling, CO to visit DJ there. He was stuck in a hotel waiting to bring a train back to Denver. Sterling is not a fun place to stay. Especially when you have no car to get to/from. The hotel the RR employees stay in is not very clean, smells bad and is on the outside of town - not within walking distance of restaurants, stores etc. So when DJ goes there with work he just gets to sit in the hotel watching TV and he is usually stuck there for more than 24 hours. I feel so bad for him now that I have experienced it.

Sterling isn't very far - just over 100 miles - but anyone with a toddler knows that anywhere farther than your local Target store can feel like an eternity. I packed her a bag of toys, snacks and a lunch. I made her go potty before we left and told her she couldn't really drink a lot of water on the way there because I wasn't sure if we would have a place to stop. I'm not a big fan of taking her into gas station bathrooms. We hopped in the car and we were off.

On the way to Sterling we had to pass several farms, feed lots and slaughter yards. Being from Kansas I don't mind the smell of manure. It actually just makes me think of home and is kind of comforting. Again, you'd have to have grown up on a farm to understand this. DJ thinks I am crazy for this. But Taylor on the other hand has a different opinion on the smell. Driving down the road I smiled because the smell made me think of home and as soon as Taylor smelt it she yelled, "OH MY GOSH!! What is that smell! It's so gross!". She plugged her nose and wouldn't let it go for a while.  

We were maybe half way to Sterling when I asked Taylor if she needed to go potty. We were passing a town with a few fast food restaurants and I figured that was a good chance for her to go without the bathroom being totally gross. She said no so passed the exit ramp. 5 Miles down the road she got real quiet and said, "Mommy, I have to go potty. Really Bad. I don't think I can hold it". Isn't that how it always happens? The next town was 6 miles away so I told her to hold it and we'd stop. The next town sign said "No Services". Again, I told her to hold it because the next town was 9 miles away. I knew we could make it there, no problem. Of course this sign said "No Services" as well. She kept telling me she couldn't wait and we needed to stop NOW. I had no other choice than to pull off the highway out of view. It was windy out and I know she would have trouble doing this. So I took her jeans off. She had on just her pink socks, sweater and princess high heels as we made it to the front of the car. What an adventure. She thought it was so funny and couldn't wait to tell Daddy she peed outside.

When we met with DJ we were both so excited to see him. He drove Taylor over to the rail yard in Sterling to show her where he worked when he was there and where all the trains were heading. From there we went to grab lunch at a little diner. I was telling DJ about Taylor's reaction to the cow manure and he told Taylor that when he was on the train he went by one of the lots and saw two cows bumping heads together and it looked like they were fighting. Her exact response was, "Oh my goodness. Were the cops there to assist them and everything". I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff.

As we were sitting there waiting for our food DJ and I were lost in conversation. Taylor was sitting next to me, across from DJ, drinking her milk. In mid conversation Taylor had filled her cheeks full of milk and squished her face, making all the milk come flying out at DJ. It was so funny. I really have no idea where she gets this stuff. But I do remember my Aunt Nancy B doing that to me when I was about 5 years old with tea in my mouth.

We took her to a state park to play for a while and she was in heaven!

Hopefully our next little road trip will be to Kremmling and just as exciting!

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