July 20, 2012

Apple Pickin'

A very nice lady who lives next to DJ's parents has always let us go into her back yard every summer and pick apples off her tree. She just sold her house though so soon we will lose that privilege. I might just have to go introduce myself to the new neighbors and see if they wouldn't mind letting us pick apples too.

We had our first apple pickin' afternoon with Paul and Carrie about 2 weeks ago. The apples were still pretty small so we didn't get too many. Just enough to keep some in the fridge and make a couple of apple pies.

Taylor was having so much fun. I got up on the step stool to reach some higher apples and found these guys . . .

Taylor's favorite thing! Can you tell how excited she was?

We found another birds nest too.

After making the pies we ran out of apples and went back for more the other day. This time we took some friends and Grandma with us.

These girls had so much fun together.

More Grandma love. . .

I was so excited Angela and Aaliyah could join us.

This little girl is so heavy. I could only hold her this way for so long. She kept telling me where to take her so she could get the best apples.

This honestly might be one of Taylor's favorite summer activities. I love that Mr. Carl's peekin' over the fence too.

Pickin' apples will be one of my favorite memories with Taylor.

We came home with SO many apples. 48 pounds to be exact! We have big plans for all these apples. We've made 3 batches of apple butter already and we are freezing the rest in batches for apple pies and other yummy fall treats!

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