July 10, 2012

Unexpected Guests

Remember how I said it's been raining a lot lately? As it was coming down pretty fast the other evening DJ went down to the basement to make sure our sump pump was working. The last thing we need is to wake up to a flooded basement. He hadn't been down there too long when he called up the basement stairs for me to send Taylor down for him. My first thought was that she'd done something she wasn't supposed to and she was going to be in trouble very soon. That's been happening a lot more often lately.

But when we got down to the basement this little guy surprised us. . .

Not the best picture but this little guy was climbing up the screen trying to get out of the window well. We've always known we'd need to check the window wells for frogs but we'd never seen any since we moved in. They all came out with the rain. DJ counted 12 in one window well.

We had to wait until the next morning when it wasn't raining anymore to get them out. And when I say we I really mean DJ. I wasn't about to touch them let alone climb into a window well with them. It's a good thing I have him to protect me from frogs. :o)

I'm just good for hanging out and documenting it all.
See how little these guys were? I still wasn't about to touch them being that small.

We let them out in the flower bed and all the little girls on the block came out to see it. They loved putting the frogs back into the flower bed as they'd jump out. . . well except our Taylor. She's like mommy and doesn't want to touch them.

Our little unexpected guests sure made for some great morning entertainment.

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