August 13, 2012

Camping - Day 1, Part 2

Here's part two of Day 1. The first half of day 1 we finished setting up camp and went horse back riding

After we got back from horse back riding we made a quick lunch, Taylor helped Grandpa with the new ice for the coolers.

Such a big helper!

After lunch we laid Taylor down for a nap. While everyone napped I read. So nice being in the middle of the mountains reading a book.

Our next adventure was at Fun City. I couldn't wait to take Taylor down this big slide! Half way up the stairs she stopped, tried turning around and told me and DJ she didn't want to go up anymore. I think she is afraid of heights like her mommy.

 Poor thing - just look at her face!

 In the end she had a blast!

Off to the go-carts!

We all had to give Paul a hard time about the car he chose. Even when he's on vacation he's still thinking about work!

One thing Taylor hates most is getting wet! But for someone who hates getting wet she sure loves the Bumper Boats!

As if they really needed help getting wet, Jess and Preston used these spray guns to soak them the whole time.

We had to sit on the bench afterwards so Taylor could dry off and hung out by the river. . . beautiful

I wasn't kidding when I said we were busy. . . when we got back we got into dry clothes and took a minute to relax . . .

 I just LOVE her facial expressions and how old she tries to act!

Just about as soon as we sat down we were off again. This time for a round of putt-putt golf. It was a small little course- nothing fancy about it - in the camp ground.

No matter how many times you explained to Taylor how putt-putt worked she just didn't care. She would start at the putting box, hit her ball once, run down to the ball and place it right next to the hole and put it in. Funny thing is she did that to everyone.

Grandpa was the only one to make a hole-in-one

While eating dinner we got to enjoy a gorgeous sunset!

And what's camping without a camp fire? S'mores are good . . .

But nothing beats showing Taylor the amazing Jiffy Pop! Good call Grandma!

Preston and Paul had the honor of popping the Jiffy Pop. Taylor loved it!

Between the two I don't know who is more goofy!

After such a long day Taylor told me she was ready for bed. That was a first! I thought she would crawl into the tent, start talking away or hear everyone outside around the camp fire and want to go back outside. Nope. She crawled right into the covers in the tent, told me good night and fell asleep. About 5 minutes after I thought she was sleeping she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, what are those things on the bottom of a horsies foot?" I explained to her what horse shoes were and she just simply looked up, said "okay" and went right back to sleep. She really knows how to make you smile.

I can't believe we crammed all that into just one day! Horse back riding, Naps, Fun City, Putt-Putt Golf and camp fires.

Tomorrow I'll talk about day 2!

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