August 12, 2012

Camping - Day 1, Part 1

Finally! I'm getting around to blogging about our camping trip this past weekend. We went to Estes Park and had a blast! It was Taylor's first camping trip and she was in heaven. I took so many pictures while we were up there (over 300) and we did so many fun things that I have to break it all down into smaller posts. Day 1 was such a busy day so here's just the first half of day one.  

DJ went up on Thursday afternoon with Preston, Carrie and Paul. I stayed back until Jess got off work and because I was watching my friend Kris' kids for her while she returned to work - I am glad it was her and not me!  I had it pretty easy - watching great kids with Taylor all day, going to the park, the pool and taking naps at home while DJ and the others got to set up camp. :o) Yeah I had it made. At least until I was closing up the house, packing the back of the truck in the rain and DJ calling me to tell me they were already relaxing around the campsite having a beer. Now he was the lucky one.

Anyways, the trip started off a little rocky - literally. Right after getting Starbucks and getting on the highway a huge rock came out from under a semi and left this nice mark on DJ's windshield.

Jess took that picture while I was driving. Of course, only something like that would happen when I'm the one driving the truck.

Camp was finally set up and while we were driving up DJ, Preston, Paul and Carrie went into town and grabbed some dinner since I had to grill in the back of the truck.

DJ, Taylor and I were staying in the tent. We had the best campsite too!

Of course, us girls missed out on all the action. As they left dinner they saw a mama bear and her cub!

Jess, Taylor and I made it to camp around 9:30pm and got a tour of the campsite in the dark. Taylor was so excited about Grandma and Grandpa's camper that she didn't even think twice about sleeping in the tent with DJ and I.
Can you tell how excited she was?

was our first full day at camp. I forgot that you can't sleep in at all while camping because there is nothing to block the sun and outside noise. We were up by 6am but not all of us were fully functioning.

 The view from our camping spot was amazing. See that tallest peak? That's Long's Peak

Can't leave home without her bike . . .

After breakfast we went horse back riding. I was so excited. I hadn't rode a horse since I was on my Uncle Rick's ranch when I was younger -

Still as cute maybe?

 I thought Taylor would have been scared but she couldn't stop laughing and talking.

Jess got to ride on Walle, Preston had Fanny, Carry was on Costello, Paul had Mac, DJ and Taylor had Butterscotch and I had Hostess.

It was such a pretty ride

 Paul's horse kept giving him the hardest time.

I'm glad DJ decided to switch me spots on the way up. Carrie's horse had such bad gas! Taylor thought it was hilarious!

Loved riding the horses!

After our ride we headed back to camp for lunch and more adventures . . .

 . . . to be continued.


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