August 7, 2012

Summer Catch Up

We just got back from a camping trip - Taylor's first camping trip. I need to go through all of my pictures and then I'll start blogging about that trip. There's so much fun stuff to share.

But before I get onto that and getting ready to return to school here are some little summer tid bits. It's a pretty boring post - I'm warning you now!

Taylor got her first bee sting. I felt so bad for her but she was such a trooper!

We've been spending a lot of time at the pool lately. Taylor learned how to float on her back this summer. She gets into the kiddy pool and just wants to float and relax. She gets so upset when the other kids in the pool start splashing. She needs her own lazy river.

I'm going to miss relaxing by the pool reading my book.

We've been enjoying so many beautiful sunsets from our back porch. I hope they never build anything in that field to block my view.

 We got to have dinner with some friends and Taylor got to play with little popper fireworks. Love those kids!

I am excited for school to start, having a normal daily routine again. But at the same time I will be so sad to see the summer end. I'll miss late night dinners with friends, care free days by the pool, sitting on the front porch enjoying wine with the girls, and just enjoying our family time.

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