September 19, 2012

Catch Up Time

The end of August sure was a crazy time around here. . .
our weekends were filled with baby showers, birthdays, party planning, football and school stuff.

Let me try to catch everyone up to date with the big stuff that happen.
School had just started for both me and Taylor and getting out of our summer of no routines was a little rough.

She was so excited to go back to school. She's been trying to tie her own shoes and she's not too bad at it. . . except that she ties them in knots. But hey, at least she is trying and that just melts my heart.

After I picked Taylor up from her first day of school I took her to get her hair cut. DJ wanted to try short hair and I finally gave in. I figured it's hair and it will grow back. I'm lucky I have a great friend who does hair.I love her with short hair! She kept touching it and telling everyone what a stylish girl she was! Thank you for making her hair so darn cute Dana!

DJ's birthday was August 25th. I didn't even get to post anything about it (Sorry Babe!) but he knows how crazy it was around here. For his birthday he got a new toy. . .
I know it doesn't seem like an amazing, out of this world gift but when you buy your first house, almost every gift is house related.

Since he got that new mower Taylor follows him all the time. She is so funny about it too. She really knows how to make mowing the law entertaining. She stops and tells DJ her mower is out of gas and she needs more. He pretends to fill it up for her and they empty her 'bag'. When they start she'll stand behind him and pretend she's pulling a cord on hers to start it too. Totally one of the cutest things I get to watch from the kitchen window.

Football season came into full swing!
Preston's having a really good season and has been featured in several of the local newspapers. Every year since DJ and I have been together (almost 8 years now) we've spent at least one day a week going to Preston's games. Not sure what we'll do with ourselves next season if we don't have any football games to go to. I joke that DJ might just drag me to a random high school game every now and then.

Remember I said I'd been busy working on something that I couldn't talk about yet? The first weekend in September we threw Paul a surprise birthday party for the big 5.0. I'm a little sad I didn't get any pictures of it. We were so busy running around the entire night but it really did turn out great. We had about 55 people RSVP and I think just about everyone showed up throughout the day. The catering company (Breckenridge Brewery) was awesome!  And I'm so happy Taylor didn't give away the surprise. We'd been talking about it for over a month and she was awesome not to say anything! This is the only picture I got from the night . . .

After all the party and back to school craziness we had a family night out playing putt-putt golf. I think this night really deserves a post of it's own though so more to come on that one. . .

Now we are into the grove of homework, getting out of the house on time for school and going to bed early (at least Taylor is). We've had our first round of sickness come into the house. Gotta love all the germs of going back to school! DJ and Taylor are finally getting over it and I felt like I might have been getting it but I'm praying I don't! It had them both down for the count for a few days and I don't like seeing my babies sick.

Now I need to start planning another party soon because my 'baby' is almost 4! I want to cry thinking about it. Where does the time go?

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