September 26, 2012

Our Engagement Story

To really tell our engagement story I have to take you all the way back to 1999 when I was 13 years old. I had the BIGGEST crush on DJ. A crush that began the very first time I saw him walking through the halls of our middle school and I knew I wanted him to be my boyfriend. In fact, just about every girl I knew felt the same way.  That summer I was lucky enough to have my very first date with DJ at Coors Field watching the Colorado Rockie's take on the Arizona Diamondbacks. I wish I could tell you it was a perfect date - just magical. But I can't. You see, that first date between us was horrible. I'd never been on a date. I had no idea what to say, how to act, what to do. So the entire game I sat there, staring at the field, not talking. This was the extent of our conversation:

"Do you want a drink?" - "No"
"Do you want a hot dog?" - "No"
"Are you having fun?" - "Yes"

We both laugh about it now because I honestly don't think I said more than 3 words to him the entire time. In fact, during the 7th inning stretch he went to the bathroom and thought about hopping on the bus and heading back home, just leaving me there. He was sweet enough to come back and finish the game with me. He's always joked that a baseball game is a horrible first date and all guys should avoid it and every time we go to a baseball game we joke about how bad out first date was. I'm not sure how I ever recovered him after that date either :o)

So fast forward 13 years. . . another date at Coors Field.

While it technically wasn't a date, we were going to another baseball game. Paul had told me he got tickets for the entire family and we were going to make it a family day so we all had to be there. Nothing about this seemed odd to me. DJ kept saying all week he wasn't sure if he was going to go. I just rolled my eyes and thought it wouldn't kill him to take a day off for family stuff since he had seemed to be super edgy the past few weeks. I've been talking about getting married almost nonstop. Almost to the point where I knew he was going to tell me to just shut up one day. To be honest, on our drive home Saturday night from Paul and Carrie's he asked me why Jess and I have been talking about the two of us getting married all the time. I told him I was just ready for it to happen already because it's already been 7 1/2 years and at this rate we'll be together another 7 before we ever get married. He told me talking about it all the time was not going to make it happen any sooner.

When we got to the game I was so excited when I realized the team we were playing that day was the Arizona Diamondbacks. When I pointed this out to DJ and he just laughed and said, "Our first date is all you ever talk about when we come". So we kept enjoying the game. Taylor got another ball given to her. It's her third one so I guess maybe the third time is a charm!

It was the 5th inning and if I'm really going to tell this story I need to say that I was a little irritated with DJ at this point. He seemed so tense, stressed and irritable. I just wanted him to lighten up and at least enjoy the day since we don't get many family days together. DJ was sitting on my right and the jumbo-tron was to my left. Out of nowhere DJ got very excited, pointed to the score board and said "hey, Look! Look!". As I looked over the first thing I saw was "Ann Griffin, Will You Marry Me? DJ". I was shocked. I just thought, "that's MY name!". When something shocks you this much you must lose your brain filter because I just blurted out, "NO YOU DID NOT!!". And when I turned to face DJ he was there on bended knee and said, "I think I've made you wait long enough. Will you marry me?". I was in so much shock that I couldn't even talk. I instantly started crying and shaking horribly. I managed to kiss him and mumble out "YES!" As he tried to put my new ring on my finger I was shaking so much that he just had to hold my hand in place.

Once my ring was on and we hugged he stood me up, had me turn to the left and said, "Now look who's here for you". Standing up, waving to us were my brother Joel and his girlfriend Ranee and our best friends Chad and Amanda. I was in disbelief. I couldn't have asked for anything more. We left our seats and met everyone to take pictures. (Thanks Gabe and Carrie!)

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better he added more! We were back in our seats after the 7th inning stretch and Dinger came running through the stands with a dozen red roses DJ had delivered to the stadium for me and a sign that read "She Said Yes!"

One of my favorite parts of the entire day was when Taylor told Joel "We're going to get married!!". (I'm having trouble not crying now!). As a girl you always wonder what your proposal will be like: if you'll cry, if he'll stumble over his words. I wouldn't change a thing about how he proposed to me. It was absolutely perfect in every way. I love my FIANCE!

 DJ was actually very thankful that certain things worked in his advantage. For the past 7 years I have been wearing a Tanzanite and Diamond ring he gave me for our first Christmas. I wore it on my ring finger until last Thursday when I got it cleaned and they told me the stone was loose and I shouldn't wear it. What a strange coincidence. He was wondering how he was going to get that ring of my finger and even thought if I ever took it off he'd sneak it away and tell me I lost it.

I was so happy all of these amazing people were there to help us celebrate:

(I'm just missing a picture of Paul and Carrie)

I'm so excited we are going to finally be married! Now the fun part of planning starts! :o)
I'm going to take a better picture of my ring later today and I'll be sure to post it very soon.

I can't help but stare at it!

September 23, 2012 was one of the best days of my life.
I Love You, DJ!

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