November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween 2012
Before we get too far into November I think I should write about Halloween. I'm already behind on other things I wanted to blog about.
A few months before Halloween Taylor said she wanted to be a plain ol' Strawberry. I was so happy we found a Strawberry costume for her. Old Navy has GREAT kids costumes. They are warm enough to trick-or-treat in Colorado without having to wear a coat.
This year we did lots of Halloween activities. . .
We went to the Pumpkin Patch with some friends of ours

Boofest at school . . .

We LOVE her teachers!!

She even got to teach Daddy how to do the Macarena dance

We went to a trick-or-treat street at the school Grandma works at. . .

The night before Halloween we 'scarved' pumpkins at home. Taylor insisted on cleaning out all of the pumpkins by herself.

She even wanted to 'scarve' her pumpkin without any help. We compromised and let her poke the holes in the design. Mommy did the actual carving. 

I think they turned out pretty well this year!

Taylor tried to be so patient on Halloween. She wanted to put on her costume the second we got home from school. To keep her preoccupied and to stop her from asking if she could put her costume, DJ and her acted goofy for a little bit. . .

We had our traditional chili and chili cheese dogs for dinner. We even made Witches Brew. So yummy!

We got lucky this year and had lots of family join us. Grandma, Uncle Joel and Aunt Ranee and Ranee's brother and his two boys came too! 
After we got back home from trick-or-treating Uncle Joel and Taylor were wrestling around. I know Joel feels horrible about this but. . . She was choking him out from behind and he went to pull her over his shoulders. Her elbow popped out of place and we made a late night Halloween trip to the ER to have it set back in place. She was so brave about it all. But I thought it was super cute when we were driving home from the hospital. She was sitting in her car seat and excitedly yelped "I'M GLOWING!!" The bones on her pj's glow in the dark and she was so excited about it. It was a pretty cute way to end a visit to the hospital.  
We had a great Halloween and Taylor will always have a funny Halloween story to share! 

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