October 20, 2012

Recent Happenings

Lately we've been doing a little of this, a little of that, but nothing super amazing that I just had to write about. Midterms are next week, our Sociology class is working on writing two different papers at the same time and we still have all the normal assignments for my Anatomy class. I think we should at least get a 3 day break after midterms. Maybe I should suggest that to my professors. . .

This morning I have been lucky enough to sit in a totally quiet house, enjoying a cup of coffee while watching one beautiful sunrise. I tried getting a picture of it but wouldn't you know that's when I realized the battery to my camera died and I haven't remembered to charge it. Oops.

The day after Taylor's birthday I skipped my class to be a volunteer at her school and help her celebrate her birthday with her class. We took chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. I know it's for the safety of kids with allergies but it makes me really sad that we can't take homemade goodies to school anymore. 

We got to go costume shopping for Halloween. Taylor has known for quiet some time what she wanted to be. Lucky for us we were able to find a costume! I'll post pictures when she dresses up :o) While we were shopping her and DJ found a t-shirt for Gabby. Taylor couldn't wait to get it home and let Gabby wear it. The last time we dressed Gabby up for Halloween she was a devil and was not very excited about it. I don't think she was very excited about this new shirt either. . .
I'm sure glad she tolerates us :o)

Taylor had her 4-year well-baby check up. She was so brave and did awesome!
She is 3'7 1/4", 45 1/2 lbs.

I was so proud of her for being so brave. Before her appointment DJ did a really good job of explaining that she would need to get shots. She got her first finger poke and didn't even cry! She also had to do a TB test and get 2 shots. She didn't cry very much at all! To help her 'feel better' we took her to get Little Man ice cream afterwards. We got a super special treat while we were there too - Uncle Joel and Aunt Ranee met us there! It was windy and pretty chilly. I think that's probably the last time we'll be getting Little Man this year.

This weekend we're filled with birthday parties, finishing laundry and homework, vacuuming out a certain messy car and de-cluttering. Maybe I'll even go on a run this weekend :o)

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