December 6, 2012

Jumbled Thoughts

I don't have much of anything specific to blog about today; just a bunch of randomness.

These made me really happy the other day. . .
This is supposed to be me. (not sure why but blogger uploaded it sideways and I can't change it.)

And this is supposed to be DJ. His pockets must have been full . . .
I really wish Starbucks carried their Christmas Blend coffee year round. It's seriously my favorite coffee. It almost can't get better than sitting in a quiet house in the morning, watching the sunrise and sipping a cup of hot coffee.  

I tried going dress shopping with my sister-in-law Renee on Tuesday. It didn't go as planned. The first shop we went to said on their website that appointments were not required. But when we got there we were told we needed an appointment. No luck there. I knew of another wedding boutique around the corner so we tried stopping there. They were closed for the day unexpectedly. So we tried one last thing. We googled dress shops around us and drove over to the closest one to us. The address is completely wrong on their website because it took us to what looked like a drug house. After that I decided that the third strike was enough and I just wasn't meant to try on wedding dresses that day. We'll try for this weekend - with appointments.

Why do people charge so much for the simplest things? Really, it's like you say the word wedding and they tack on an extra $100 just because the word wedding is involved. I mean, come on, $350 just to officiate?! Maybe I should change my career.

We've been stuck with a few hard decisions lately. Mainly concerning DJ's job and school for me. I wish I had an 'Easy' button. Then we could stop running our minds around in circles trying to make the best decision and not feeling like we made the wrong turn somewhere.

I've taken my finals for both classes. School is officially over for the semester! I am so excited to say I have no school until January. I should know my final grades by Tuesday. Now I get a month to focus on personal projects.

My sister and her husband may get to come home for Christmas. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it works out. I haven't gotten to see her in two years.

I'm going to clean house today. Like, really clean house - bathrooms, laundry, everything. Sometimes there isn't a better feeling than a clean house. And since we have plans almost all weekend I think it'd be a good day to do it.

After I'm done cleaning I have a fun holiday craft planned for Taylor. It's going to be a good day :o)

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