December 8, 2012

Something Merry. . .

 . . . To put you in the Christmas Spirit.

All of December we read a Christmas book at bedtime with Taylor. Last night she picked a book with Christmas quotes and poems. I love this little book because it always makes me feel warm and merry.

Here in Colorado it hasn't really felt like Christmas. No heavy coats have been needed, no snow is covering our roof. So here are a few little quotes to help find that Christmas spirit.

"There is a kind of magic that happens every year when winter winds are blowing and nights are cold and clear.
It is then you see it happen in lights upon a tree, in crimson bows and frosted panes and gifts "To You, From Me."
Christmas is that magic; it works its subtle art, bringing love and wonder to every waiting heart"

"The Christmas spirit lives inside gifts given throughout the year, in smiles to a frightened child, in a friend who lends an ear . . .
In gentle hugs for those who hurt and tender words to say. These make any moment seem just like a holiday."

"It is in loving, not being loved, that the heart is blest; It is in giving, not seeking gifts, that we find our quest.
If you crave the songs of Christmas, sing out for all to hear; if you are sad and comfort need, then dry another's tear.
Whatever your longing, whatever the need, is just what you must give; then your soul will fill, and you indeed, will truly, fully live."

"When the last carol has been sung, when the final gift has been unwrapped, when the relatives have returned home, when the lights and decorations have been put away . . .
Then the real work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost, to heal the brokenhearted, to feed the hungry, to bring peace among enemies, to rebuild what has been torn down, to see the beauty all around, to keep the holiday magic alive all year. . .
That is the true heart of Christmas."

And this year I might be receiving an extra special Christmas gift. One of the best I may ever receive. My sister may get to come home for Christmas. She wouldn't get here until the 27th but I would have 7 days to spend with her and her husband. I haven't seen her in 2 years so this would be one amazing Christmas gift. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And I know if she does come I will probably be an emotional wreck for at least a week after she leaves but it would be totally worth it! (Sorry DJ!) So I'm putting a special request in to Santa in hopes he can make this Christmas wish come true.

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