January 6, 2013

Kara and Stew - Part I

For the past week I have been trying to upload the cutest video of Taylor from Christmas morning but Blogger just isn't lettin' that happen. So until I can get that posted I should try catching up on the recent happenings around here.Two days after Christmas I got my gift! My sister and her husband got the come stay with us for 5 days. I couldn't have been more excited! I have a bunch to talk about so I'll break it up into chunks.

Their flight didn't get into Denver until 12:30am and since DJ was working it meant Taylor was coming with me. We sure did look like a fun site at the airport! Taylor was wearing her feety Santa pj's, her silver sequence UGG boots (or affectionately known as moon boots to DJ), an owl stocking cap and her coat. It was so funny. I was so happy to see Kara and Stew walk through the terminal and it didn't take Taylor long at all to get warmed up to them. Poor Stew. Taylor started tickling him the second we got in the car and then she got a case of the giggles.

The first day they got here we started off a little slow since we'd been up most of the night. We spent the afternoon shopping and just hanging out. We made a Starbucks run and then it was time to be in the kitchen. I taught Kara how to roast a full chicken. I don't know what it was but I loved having my sister in the kitchen with me while I cooked. I think it reminded me of when we lived together. Friday night DJ got home so we all relaxed and watched a movie. We watched Act of Valor. Such a good movie. I think my mouth was open half the time!

One of my favorite moments was Saturday morning. Taylor got Dance Central 3 for Christmas and we needed to test out every one's dance skills! I wish I could share the videos of Kara and Taylor dancing together. It was so funny!! Stew and I got to laugh a lot :o)

I was a little disappointed in myself for not taking many pictures while they were here though. I was so caught up in enjoying them that I often forgot I had my camera with me. I did get one really good picture though. On our way to lunch Saturday Stew put sunglasses on Taylor's baby and she instantly said "Look, she's Gangnam Style!!".

More from their trip to be continued. . .

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