January 8, 2013

Kara and Stew - Part II

OK, I haven't posted a lot like I said I would simply because Blogger is giving me one heck of a time! I have to go through an extra little step (time consuming) to add pictures now. I know it's worth it because I get to document all the special memories of our everyday life but jeez!

Anyway . . .

When Kara and Stew were here Sunday was a 'hang out and visit' type of day. Football was on, we were going to have snack food all day and we had a slew of visitors coming to see them.

Taylor and Kara are so cute in their matching jersey's!
Stew made us his fire-roasted salsa guacamole. Not sure if that's what he calls it but that's what I've been referring to it as. And let me just say. . . I tried it and could have cried it was so hot! Taylor was his little helper in the kitchen.

We spent the rest of the day eating French Dip sandwiches, watching football and catching up. Joel and Ranee came and Kara's best friend growing up came with her family. The girls all got roped into painting Taylor's new tea set.

New Years Eve was a little more exciting. We went down to the Downtown Aquarium since Kara had never been there.
Taylor told us all that this stingray was reading the sign. I love how her little mind thinks!
This fish was just laying right on top of the glass and it was not very pretty on the bottom side.

I was shocked that Taylor even got under there with Kara.

This one is on here for Kara. She loved these little guys.

The lady we spoke to wasn't sure if this stingray was protecting this sack of eggs or if it was eating it. I wasn't sure I wanted to find out!

Taylor totally photo bombed Kara and Stew on this one!

After the aquarium we headed to the Ale House for lunch. Such good food! I tried a PB&J Bacon burger. Sounds gross but it was sooo good!

Celebrating New Years Eve that night deserves its own post for another day!

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