January 21, 2013

Looking Forward . . .

Happy Monday everyone! This is a pretty big week for us around here. It's why I'm already looking forward to the end of the week. I'll share why at the end of the week. I'd hate to give away the surprise!

January 22nd will always be a day that sticks with me. This day 3 years ago marks the day my Grandpa passed away. I'll always remember sitting at work when my sister called me to tell me. We knew it was coming but it was still a shock to me. I loved him so much and I wish Taylor could have grown up knowing him. I could cry thinking about my Grandpa but I know he would like to see everyone happy. In memory of him we may just have to get out our harmonicas today :o)
I won't stay sappy all day or there's a chance I may cry a lot so here's some happier things. . .  
We had a great weekend. Friday night we had a 'Taylor Themed' movie night. She got to pick the movie (Barbie and the Three Musketeers of course), we had her favorite dinner and we had Taylor-sized bags of popcorn.

 I love watching a movie with Taylor when she is really into it. She says the funniest things!
Saturday morning we woke up early. I did a quick work out (more on that later) and we got got ready to scoot out the door. We went to a baby shower for one of DJ's cousins. I have a love/hate relationship with baby showers. I love going to baby showers and sharing the excitement with someone getting ready to welcome a new beautiful baby to their family. But I hate going to baby showers because I always have a huge urge to cry and it makes my baby fever even worse than it usually is. I want another baby . . . bad. DJ is well aware of this and I am sure he knows my "I want another baby" speech by heart now. :o) 3 people in the family are expecting right now. We made the girls stand in line in order of due dates. Jamie and Laura are both due in March. Jamie is expecting a little girl and Laura is expecting a little boy! Jess is due in June and we get to find out what she's having on the 25th. We are so excited! 

Taylor got to have a sleep over with Carrie Saturday night. She was really excited about this. Since she was gone the house felt pretty empty. I did a few things around the house and went to bed. Sounds boring - I know. But it was just what I needed.
Sunday morning I woke up and went running. So refreshing yet freezing! My phone said it was just 27 degrees when I headed out. It's something I need to do more often since I plan on running a 10k in May and a 5k just 20 days later. When I got home I made myself breakfast and then started cleaning. Since Taylor wasn't home it was the perfect chance for me to clean. I cleaned places in our house that I've never cleaned before - like on top of our kitchen cabinets, inside our dining room light etc. I spent the whole day cleaning but my house is not cleaner than it's ever been and that feels good!  
Today's a holiday so it means no school for Taylor and the new semester doesn't start for me until tomorrow. If it gets warm this afternoon like its supposed to we'll go on a walk. I cannot wait to have warmer weather all the time and for things to be turning green! I want pretty flowers in my flower bed instead of dirt, green grass in the front yard and leaves on our trees! On top of having baby fever I may also have Spring fever :o)

That's all the happenings here today! This week I'll be sharing some really fun stuff!

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