January 22, 2013

Creating Memories

I've been watching Taylor the past few weeks realizing just how quickly she's grown up. DJ and I always go through pictures of her as a baby, watch the videos and reminisce over the funny things she used to do. It was only a few years ago that she was a baby so it's easy to remember a lot of it. I got sad thinking that in a few years it won't be so easy to remember everything and I may start to forget things. I decided then that I need to make sure I am more present in the everyday events. I need to make sure she has my full attention when we're playing a game, let the dishes sit in the sink a little while longer if she wants me for something or just stop to give more hugs. I need to write down more of the funny things she does and says, keep a hold of more of the art work she does and really enjoy the simple everyday things that go on here. After all isn't that what makes being a mom so great?

These are all the things I want to remember the most. Nothing great or over the top about any of it. But I want to remember the everyday moments that bring a smile to my face. 

Her drawing skills are getting so good! I want to frame everything she does. I was working on the book order packets for her school one night and I told her while I worked on that I wanted her to work on her own project. I wanted her to draw a very special picture for her Daddy since he was missing her a lot. After she drew it she had to explain it to me. . .

She started with just her hands and added the flowers. Then she wanted to draw a picture of Mommy and Daddy and we're supposed to pretend we're on the beach. I'm the orange one and DJ's the green one with the beard. I thought the beard was a nice touch on her part. So cute! She thought it would be helpful if Daddy knew how to hang the picture too so the purple circles at the top are where he's supposed to put the nails. Since she did that I know I need to find somewhere in the house to hang it! Maybe on DJ's side of the bed. :o)
And I'm thinking about making this the new image on my phone for when DJ calls. . .

She was holding her baby so tight last night that I found her like this . . . 

Her poor lip was just stuck to that baby dolls head! She'll be such a great mommy one day.

We were cleaning up dinner and Taylor was setting up the game Connect 4. As I cleared the table I leaned down to her and said "Hey, I have a secret for you. I love you!" Her response was "I love you too. Hey Mommy, I have a secret for you too. You're old." Taylor's lucky she's so cute! She can't wait to be a true grown up so I'm thinking in her mind this was a compliment :o)

We often have the discussion that goes something like this . . .
Me: "Well when you're a big girl you can (insert what she wants or wants to do)
Taylor: "Mom, I am a big girl!! I'm 4!! (saying this as she's holding up her four tiny fingers as high in the air as she can)
Then I have to continue to tell her that there are different types of big girls and there are just some things she isn't big enough for. She gets so exasperated and mad when I tell her this. I wish there was a way I could explain to her that staying young as long as she can really is a good thing.

She got a bad blister over the weekend. 
We've been having to replace the band-aid throughout the day because she says her toes are so sweaty that they're making the band-aid come off. I never like to see her in any type of pain but it does warm my heart to know that I can make her feel better just by fixing her band-aid. 

Whether its a priceless drawing, a goofy conversation at dinner or replacing a band-aid for the umpteenth time that day I want to remember all of it. I am so lucky to be this little girls mommy. 

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