March 25, 2008

Ribit Ribit

We had our three month check up last night. It was all pretty usual stuff; I got my blood drawn, heard the baby's heart beat with the Doppler and got another ultra sound. An ultra sound wasn't scheduled but we had to wait for a long time and DJ's mom went with us so my doctor did one for fun. The baby didn't move this time. I think it was sleeping. But it's got one arm behind it's head and the other hand by it's face. It's legs are crossed at the feet and bent at the knees and they look just like little frog legs! It was so cute though because you could make out the toes this time! I return again on April 8th to see a liver specialist and then again on April 14th (the day before my birthday) for the 4 month check up. My doctor would still prefer if I saw a high risk baby doctor so she said we would probably get to find out the sex of the baby by the 16th week instead of the 20th! How exciting. And again, the doctor said there is only one in there.

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