April 2, 2008

Long time, No posts

Well I guess I've been in hiding or something! I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted anything to my blog!

Last week I worked a lot at my second job and this week started out with me being sick. Not a good way to start off the week. I was more disappointed to know that Monday the 31st was an official Government holiday (Cesar Chavez Day) so I wouldn't have to go to work but that I was going to spend the day laying on the couch with the puppy, blowing my nose, sleeping and watching TV. Can I have a redo I on my holiday?

Today is a very special day for me and DJ. It marks our three year anniversary. We aren't married but it sure feels like it sometimes! I just can't believe it's already been three years! I met him when I was 12 so this spring means we have known each other for a total of 9 years now! That's a pretty long time. I remember this day three years ago we were at a party at one of his best friends apartments. We had really gotten there on the 1st but didn't leave until the 2nd. At the time DJ was delivering newspapers to make more money because he still wasn't a full time employee with UPS. I went to the newspaper warehouse, rolled the papers and stuffed them into their bags. Then we took them on his route. It was cold, dark and very creepy. His route was in a trailer park! Finally at 7am he was dropping me off at home. We've spent almost everyday since then together!

We don't have big plans (not that I know of anyways). Tonight we will probably get some dinner and hang out at home watching movies. I'm trying to get Sunday off from my second job so we can actually go on a date to celebrate our big day but I'm having trouble with that.

Everything else is going very well. The baby bump is growing and I am going to post the first picture sometime this week so stay tuned!

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