April 28, 2008

16 week doctor appointment

Well today I had my check up for my 16th week. My heart rate was good, the baby's was good as well. It's little heart is beating 145 beats per minute. I wanted to cry. I haven't felt the baby move yet but my doctor told me that within the next week and a half I feel the first flutters and little kicks. When the medical assistant was listening to the heart beat she started laughing and asked if I heard the fast swooshing noise, besides the baby's heart beat. The baby was moving around in my tummy while we were listening to the heart beat! I wish I could have seen it but at least I got to hear it. They also drew blood for the Quad-screening and we'll have those results back in about a week. Our next visit is May 20th when I'll be 20 weeks. We'll hear the heart beat, go over general information and get an ultrasound and find out the sex of the baby. I also have to gain a minimum of 2 pounds by our next visit. That will be a total of 10 pounds in the first trimester. From my 20th week to the end of my pregnancy my doctor says she'll need me to gain about 20 pounds. That will put me at an ending weight right around 190! Wow! Thank God for Pilates!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Glad to hear that baby & mama are healthy and doing fine!