April 27, 2008

16 weeks and counting . . .

Yesterday marked the beginning of my 16th week of pregnancy. If I deliver on my due date (October 11th) I will have exactly 168 days to go or 59.6% left to go. I have been pregnant for 113 days. Before I got pregnant my waist was about 27". Today's measurements are about 36". Right now the baby is about 3 1/2 ounces, 4 1/2 inches long from head to bottom (averaging about the size of an average avocado). This week the finger and toe nails will start growing and even though the eyes are still sealed shut (which have now moved to the front of the head where they should be) the baby can slowly move it's eyes. Last week it was able to start sensing light. The scalp patterning has begun but it still hasn't grown any recognizable hair. The baby's heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day. This little baby is working hard but I still haven't felt any movement yet. When we went to the doctor on the 14th the heart beat was 156 beats per minute.
Tomorrow we go to the doctor again for a small ob-check up. I will get my blood drawn for the quad-screening (to test for Down Syndrome etc.). We'll hear the babies heart beat and reschedule another appointment for 4 weeks when I will be 20 weeks. Then we will find out the sex of the baby and get out first 3-D ultrasound.
**The beautiful white thing around my chest in the picture is my belly band. I haven't started wearing my maternity jeans just yet. I wear the elastic band (very similar to a small tube top) around my waist, over my jeans and I am able to leave my pants unbuttoned and unzipped. I hear they work great shortly after delivery too.**

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