June 16, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

DJ honestly got the best Father's Day gift ever. . . He got to feel the baby kick for the very first time!

Saturday we went to a graduation party and I felt something I had never felt before. I thought it was a gas bubble at first but when it kept happening I knew it was her kicking. Jess was sitting next to me and she got to feel little kicks. I called DJ over and told him to feel so he placed his hand on my belly and she stopped moving. He poked a few times and nothing happen. Later that afternoon I felt her kick some more and yet again, she stopped moving when DJ got close. I felt so bad for him and he was starting to think she didn't like him. But Sunday night I was laying on the couch and she started kicking again! He felt her kick, only once, but he felt her. What a great gift. I don't think he could have asked for anything better.
Tonight she is back to moving around.She is a squirmy little thing!! Kara got to feel her kick too! It's such an amazing feeling and I don't mind how hard or how often she kicks because I am so amazed by the whole experience. I wanted to cry the first time and didn't even know what to say. It's a total bonding experience that's for sure.
But Saturday at the graduation party we had another new fun experience. . . I got into a bathing suit! It was so hot out and the family that had the party has a pool in their back yard. a bunch of the kids and teenagers were swimming and I had my feet dangling in the water with DJ's mom. Sherri told me I could fit into one of her suits and being as hot as it was I was having trouble turning the offer down. It fit ok, but it was a sight to see! It was so relaxing though.

When I first found out I was pregnant I told Paul we would have to start comparing belly's soon. He always gives me a hard time about how fast the belly is growing. . .so finally we put him to the test. The shirt came off and he posed next to me!

I think he still has me beat a little but he claims he was just pushing it out. We'll have to see about that in a few days! I'm sure I'll pass him up in no time!

But for now we'll just be here kickin' it!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I have a picture like that of me with brother Steve....love it.