June 27, 2008

Week 25

Tomorrow will mark the first day of the 25th week of this pregnancy. It has gone by so fast! I can't believe it. Our little girl is kicking like crazy and moves a lot. DJ and I think we are going to name her Payton but nothing is official. We both really love the name but we are having a really difficult time coming up with a middle name we both like that sounds good. I feel so bad not having a name for her yet since we both talk to her all the time.

We went to the Doctor's on Tuesday and everything is going great. She kicked while the Doctor was felling my tummy. I now weigh about 163 pounds, which isn't too bad but my Doctor told me I will start gaining weight a lot more now. The next time we go will be at 28 weeks and I'll take my Glucose test. . . yuck. I picked the Fruit Punch flavored drink and thank goodness it's only 5 ounces! They will also do a follow up ultra sound to make sure my placenta was pushed up by the growing of my uterus. At the 20 week appointment they said I have a low lying placenta and it could cause problems if it doesn't move up. My Doctor doesn't think I am going to have any problems though. After the 23rd of July (28 weeks) we'll start going in every two weeks. That's the first sign that you know you are nearing the end. And I have to tell you that makes me very nervous. I feel like DJ and I are no where near ready for this. I hope we get everything situated by then!

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