June 6, 2008

Wait. . . Am I missing something??

You know the feeling you get when you are running late for work but you know you just don't have everything you need for the day? Well I have a feeling similar to that. So I have to ask myself. . . "Am I missing something?"

Oh that's right. . . I'm missing my ankles! And let's not forget the spaces between my toes! I stood in DJ's parents kitchen last night after having sat down for over an hour. I needed to stretch. 10 minutes after standing I look down and notice everything from my knees down is slowly turning purple and what was once my ankles, is now skin starting to fold over the tops of my socks. How unattractive it is to have kankles?!?! So now my legs are hiding my socks and it looks like I have small sausages for toes (you know the one's I'm talking about - served with BBQ sauce at most holiday parties). Cute!

But tomorrow I will be 22 weeks pregnant. I now weigh 163 pounds. So total since the pregnancy began I have gained 26 pounds. I have been trying to watch what I eat, take the stairs at work, take walks in the evenings etc. I don't think that's working though. I was just destined to be big. :) But today I did receive some encouragement. I was picking up the mail in our office mail room and a lady I have never seen looked at me and said, "You're too thin to have a belly like that!". It just made me feel a little better . . . especially after DJ pointed out the obvious last night - that my thighs are getting thick! Yuck! haha.

So here's the baby bump at 22 weeks! If you look close you can see the top of my belly button is about to pop out. I give it about 2 weeks before the whole thing is out!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

You're lookin' good! Just remember that having "kankles and sausages for toes" is only temporary.