October 1, 2008

New Home

Finally they are here! Pictures of our new home! We still need to hang pictures on the walls and set some other stuff up but so far it's very cozy! I'm so excited to be in our own home again. It's a great feeling. Last night we set up Taylor's nursery. It was a lot of fun. . . because any day now she will come.
Monday afternoon we went to the doctor's. I am 4cm dilated, half way effaced, having small contractions and my membranes were stripped. My doctor thought I would have gone into labor either Monday night or sometime on Tuesday. Last night DJ and I went for a walk around the complex to check things out and get Gabby some exercise and I thought for sure that would put me into labor. But nothing exciting happen other than us finding a really nice walking path we will enjoy a lot. I think it's going to be a regular night walk because Gabby really liked it. Kara and I both got pedicures today when she got out of school and I have heard that is a natural way to induce labor. DJ and I are just waiting now. So keep your phones close!
So here are the awesome pictures of our apartment!
This is what you'll see when you enter the front door (above)

Here is our kitchen (the second is the view you'll see from sitting in our living room)
Here is our living room (next two pictures)
Our dining room is not set up yet. DJ and I are trying to find a dining room table and chairs.
This is our master bedroom (next two pictures)
This is our master bathroom
And of course. . . Taylor's nursery!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Very nice. I like the terra cotta wall color. So glad you're moved and getting settled in.