January 21, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

We have been so busy lately! I can't even believe it's already the 21st of January.

Let's start with Taylor. She is growing up so fast. She's been continuing to sleep through the night and she's growing like a weed. She weighs about 15 pounds now and is already wearing some 6-9 month clothes. I had to clean out her closet of all the little clothes this past weekend. I know she is still so small but having to get rid of the super tiny clothes made me very sad. We no longer have any newborn clothes. And because she continues to grow so much we also had to take down her bassinet; her head was touching to top and her feet were touching the bottom. She's a big girl now sleeping in her big girl crib, in her very own room! I have to laugh because even with the baby monitor right next to us at night, DJ and I still get up several times a night to check on her. The only problem with her sleeping through the night is that her diaper stays on her longer. So she is getting another yeast infection. I feel so bad for her but we still have her special cream so it should clear up very soon. She took a big girl bath this week too. I realize that when you are a new mom you have to make everything as quick and easy as possible. So on Monday night I decided to relax in the tub. . .and before I got out I had DJ put Taylor in there with me. How easy! I got to relax and soak in a tub and I had a happy baby getting clean. I think it's her new favorite thing because we had to do it again last night. She isn't ready to take a bath in the sink and her baby bath tub is getting too small . . plus, she likes to kick and splash so I find myself cleaning up water on the floor and counter top when she is done. She loves the water so much and i am sure if we put her in a swimming pool she would go crazy. She just might be the next female version of Michael Phelps!

DJ finally returned to work today. He has only worked 3 days since Christmas and I think he is happy to get out of the house! He is working in the office on light duty until his tendon fully heels. we aren't too sure how long that will take.

I have Thursday of this week off work. We had some problems pop up with our morning baby-sitter so I will be watching Taylor until DJ's mom gets off of work and then I will be heading to a job interview at 2pm. I recently applied with a job for the City of Northglenn and am still waiting to hear back on the job. It's the same job functions I do now (licensing) but double the income because their office runs on less clerks than the City of Denver's. I'm really hoping for this job.

That's all the news in our little world!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sounds like Miss Taylor is getting big. What did DJ do to his tendon?