February 4, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

For the Super Bowl we had a few people over to watch the game; Joel, DJ's family, Chad and Amanda, John, Ken and Zach. DJ and his dad fried wings and fries for everyone and we just snacked. Carrie made some awesome peanut butter cookies! Since some commercials were going to be in 3-D we all wore the glamorous glasses, even Taylor.

We were sad to see the Cardinals loose . . . all but DJ's dad. :)

Taylor is getting so big! On Saturday she will be 4 months old! I really can't believe the time has gone by this fast! She weighs about 16 pounds but I'll have more updates on her on the 10th when she returns to the doctor's. Recently she has found all of her toys and realizes she can put just about anything in her mouth!

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