March 15, 2009

Risky Business

Where has the time gone? The last time I added a post was February 23rd and it seems just like yesterday. This year is going by too quick.
Taylor is 5 months and 2 weeks. She's eating baby food and loves it! The first time she had baby food it was sweet potatoes and she thought she had to feed herself. We couldn't get the food into her mouth fast enough. Today we're having peaches when she wakes up from her nap but yesterday we had bananas for breakfast! She's getting too big. She weighs 17 pounds and is wearing 8-9 month clothes. She's getting over a cold and it's been so sad. Her little cough breaks my heart and we have to suck the boogers out of her nose every 15 minutes. She is a little fighter though! DJ and I decided it's impossible to give her a bath in her baby bath tub and it's too much work for me to give her a bath with me. So she got her first bath in the sink the other day with DJ and he said she loved it! So last night I have her a bath - talk about risky business. I got water splashed all over me, worried she was going to bump her head and had a hard time getting soap into all of her little rolls. DJ says she has more rolls on her legs than a bakery!
DJ and I have been very good at working out lately! With Taylor having a cold we have missed a few days. DJ, his family and Taylor have all gotten colds - everyone except me. I have been going some mornings before I go to work and I love it. I have more energy, don't take as long getting ready at the gym and feel great about getting in a work out. So today we went and I had my fit point test with my personal trainer Kelly. She was awesome and I am looking forward to working out with her. However, I was very disappointed in my results and have a lot of work ahead of me. Here are my results so far:
- 5'10", 162lbs
- I am only taking in 41.6 mL of oxygen/minute; I need to get in a minimum of 47 mL and my current intake falls into the moderate range
- I only have a bicep strength of 40 lbs (talk about weak!!) which falls into the very low good category
- My sit and reach is only 13.7in and that falls into the fair category
- My body composition was moderate but says I have 27.9 % body fat! This blew me away; I hold 17% of my body fat in my stomach, 23% in my arms and 32% in my thighs. I thought my thighs had the least fat though!!!
- And my overall fitness was 64 % better than normal females my age.

The fit test revealed that the goal for me to reach would be anywhere around 147lbs (I was 142 when I got pregnant), change 15lbs from fat to muscle changing my total percentage of body fat to 18.09% from 27.9%. It also says that by trying to reach these goals it is possible for me to reach a Body Age of 18 (my Body age right now is 23); I will improve my flexibility by 2 years, my by body fat/body composition by 5 years, improve my strength ranking from average to excellent improving my body age by 2 years, and improve my oxygen intake by 3 years.

I meet with Kelly again next Sunday to begin our workouts. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Love the bath pictures! She's so cute.