July 22, 2009

9 Months

Taylor had her 9 month check up on Friday. It went really well. She is 23 lbs, 1 oz, 29 1/4" tall and her head is 18" around. Her doctor said Taylor is very strong for her size and believes she will be walking in about a month! Insane! As she was looking Taylor over she said, "Oh goodness, and getting all 4 teeth at once". I figured she meant the top two and bottom two. She hasn't seen Taylor since she started getting teeth. It wasn't until Saturday morning that I realized what she was talking about. Taylor is getting all 4 top teeth in at once. No wonder she has been so grumpy! Taylor's torticolous is getting better but not as soon as they would like it to. She continues going to physical therapy every Wednesday and wears her brace several times a day. Because they would like a faster improvement Taylor will be seeing a torticolous specialist on the 10th of August and will be receiving a shot of Botox to loosen the muscles. I'm a little nervous about this but every doctor has reassured us it's a good idea and has great success rates. I'll keep everyone posted.

Friday was also a big day for me. I had an interview with the state; the Department of Regulatory Agencies, Division of Registrations. They do almost the same thing I do for the City. The first thing said in my interview was, "We understand you applied for the licensing position but the state is allowing us to fill all of our open positions, would you mind if we counted this interview towards 3 to 4 other positions?" How could anyone one say yes to that?!? The interview went very well, I felt like it was the best I have ever had. At the end of the interview both women stated they would be out of town this week and I wouldn't hear back for 2-3 weeks. Today they called and I have a second interview on Monday! I can't wait. This job would pay so much more, the benefits are better and the state has better advancement opportunities for the future. Wish me luck!

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