July 16, 2009

You would have thought. . .

Saturday you would have thought we were buying a car. We were really buying a new car seat for Taylor. She needed a convertible car seat, the ones that stay in the car, and DJ and I were very happy to be getting one. Taylor is 24 pounds now, her carrier car seat was 9 pounds by itself; add that weight with everything else like purses, diaper bags, work and lunch bags and it got too be more weight than anyone wanted to carry.

I had done some research on them, not a lot, and found a top rated car seat through consumer reports. DJ hadn't researched but needless to say we should have been better prepared and walked into Babies-R-Us well educated on car seats. Next time we will know better. We spent 2 1/2 hours in the first Babies-R-Us; taking the car seats off the shelf, installing them on the car seat bench, placing Taylor in and out of it to see how easy everything was and how each functioned. By the time we had decided on a car seat we were told they didn't have it in stock and the next closest Babies-R-Us was in Littleton, 40 minutes away.

5 hours after originally leaving home we returned with a car seat and stroller. We were happy with our purchase and I believe Taylor is more comfortable.

She has a well baby check up tomorrow so I will have more updates then

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