July 24, 2009

New To Me

On July 10, DJ and I sold my Civic. This was the first car I had ever owned. It was impossible to take anywhere. Lifting Taylor in and out of it while she sat in her carrier killed my arms, the front seat wouldn't go back while she was in my back seat either. It was a 2 door car and now that she is in a convertible car seat I realize how impossible it would have been to keep my car. I would have needed to sit in the back seat just to get her out of her car seat.

DJ and I thought it would be easy to find a new car for me to buy. We began searching Craigslist, calling on cars we were interested in, researching car models and types we liked and went looking. DJ did all of the work and I owe all my thanks to him. He spent his days awake instead of sleeping (he is working nights), driving around looking at crappy cars. I felt so bad for him and I knew it had to be frustrating. Everyone lied about the car they were selling. I didn't understand why people weren't honest about it. I disclosed everything when selling my car. These are the issues we ran in to- it didn't have body damage and had never been in an accident but when DJ got there the driver side was banged up and the trunk wasn't able to shut from being hit. One guy had a fake title, one lied about needing new head gaskets. It was annoying and I almost felt like I would never get another car without financing one which was not much of an option. But. . .

Today I bought a new car. DJ and I looked at it last night, gave it consideration and made an offer this morning. I bought a 2002 Subaru Outback. It is green, with tan leather interior, AWD, dual sun roofs, 5 speed, very roomy and clean. What's better? The previous owners had every service record for the car and the dealership to service it was able to verify the work. We bought it from a dealership and pick it up tonight. I am so excited. I need to brush up on my driving skills as it has been about 3 years since driving a standard. I hope it's like riding a bike and you just never forget.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Good for you. I've always liked Subaru Outbacks.