July 31, 2009

Long Over Due

It seems like the things you want most in life take their time in coming to you.

I have to say this change is well over due. I am leaving my current job with the City and County of Denver and will be going to work for the State of Colorado. I am so excited. I will assist in managing the support service operations for the Office of Support Services. Originally I had applied for a licensing specialist position but as I mentioned a few posts back, they had 3-4 other positions to fill and would be counting my interview towards those positions as well. This position will actually be a higher position than the one I applied for. I could not be happier. I was more than unhappy with my city job, I needed something more challenging and needed a larger income. All of which I got. I took today off to have a garage sale and will work until Thursday. Next Friday I will spend my day tying up lose ends and celebrating. I will start my job with the State on August 10th.

Something else in my life that has been well over due has just taken effect. My lil' sister is now living in Kansas. She moved Tuesday morning, her 17th birthday. She is living with my dad and step mom and I could not wish anything better for her. I will and do miss her deeply but I have a feeling this will bring us closer and getting her away from certain people in Colorado, will actually allow us to see each other more. She will have so many more opportunities living out there! I wish her the best and hope she knows she will always be my little Squeezal!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Congrats on the new job! That's excellent.

I too am excited for Kara to be in Kansas...maybe we'll actually get to see her.