September 9, 2009

When all slows down

I haven't posted anything in a very long time. I feel guilty for not posting anything but my life has been flipped, shook, rearranged and tossed around in the past month.

So between this...
Taylor learning to walk...

My new job and everything else life has thrown my way, I honestly just have not found the time or energy to say anything.
It happen about 2 1/2 weeks ago but I wrecked DJ's jeep. I feel awful since I should have been driving my own car. It happen in the morning, before 7am, heading to work on the rare occasion that I actually drive to work instead of riding the bus. There were several wrecks, traffic was miserable and the woman in front of me stopped, hit the truck in front of her and caused a chain reaction. Total there were 7 cars, the only injury was my banged up knee and a man cut his lip. Still, it has not been a fun experience and I will be happy when all is said and done and it can be put behind me. It's been a nightmare.
Taylor learned how to walk about 2 weeks ago. For a while all she would do is take a few steps and as soon as she lost her balance she would crawl the rest of the way. Now she is pretty much walking full time and getting into everything. This weekend she learned that dumping the dog's water bowl causes a big mess for Mommy to clean up. She has also learned that opening the cabinets and removing all contents is also fun! It's one mess after the next but no messes I mind. I love watching her experience new things. She is so much fun. I couldn't ask for a better daughter.
I am still enjoying my new job. It's very fast paced, the work load is unreal and everyone is still very nice. One month down and no real complaints!
It's getting late and I should go but I will start doing a better job of keeping everyone posted on the happenings of our lives. My new email address is Feel free to drop me a line anytime!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Miss Taylor is a doll! Can't believe how big she is. I think she looks like her mama. And, she's nearing the first birthday. How fun.

Sorry about your wreck. So glad you didn't have anything more severe than a banged up knee.

Give Taylor a love for me.