December 31, 2009

Bringing in the New Year

I plan on bringing in 2010 with a bang! Not literally, I actually plan on spending the night at home with friends and family, playing games and drinking wine. But, I do plan on making the best of 2010 from the very first minute down to the last.

I've heard of a few people already making resolutions or talking about what they plan on changing for 2010. I've taken a few of their ideas, added my own and came up with this. . .
It's a list of 25 things I would like to accomplish before I turn 25. Just little odds and ends that I have either wanted to do, say I am going to do but never really follow through with. Some are just goofy (Go to a movie alone) and some are more serious (Take Tay to Kansas). But they all mean something to me and that's what's important right?

Yes, it will actually be a list that I work on for 16 months, not 12 since I won't be 25 until April of 2010. But with 4 extra months on my side, there is no reason it all can't get done. Every year I come up with the same resolutions I think just about everyone does: save money, lose weight, blah blah blah. But who ever really sticks to their resolutions?

I know I do! Yep, for at least the first 3 weeks of the year I stay right on track with my resolution. It never lasts long.

So this year I plan on making it really happen. With different things to work on throughout the year I think it will be easier to accomplish than simply working on one aspect of my life. So to get myself in gear I have already started working on this list.

I started making a digital scrapbook for Tay (something for it's own post) which I will print off and add the pages to a regular scrapbook. I would prefer to do a normal scrapbook but let's face it; all the materials are super expensive, they take up a lot of room which I do not have and they are time consuming (something I don't have much of either). One day, when we are in our own house again, I will make her a real scrapbook. But it's the thought that counts right?

I've also told DJ that for my 24th birthday, all I want is a trip to Kansas to see my grandparents. I worry about them all the time, especially my grandpa, and I want to see them before it's too late (sorry to bring anyone down). I also really want, more than anything, for them to at least experience how cute Taylor is. I think they deserve it and so does Taylor. She might not remember it but there will be pictures and she will see them one day and know how much she was loved.

I've also taken up reading again. I'm in the middle of The Time Travelers Wife and I love it. I know some of these things contradict themselves, like "Take 15 minutes off the time it takes me to get ready" and "Do more with my hair". So I am getting my hair cut today and plan on getting some good tips on new styles that are quick and easy. Plus, in the mornings I am not running full speed ahead and I know my little feet could carry me a lot quicker than they are. (They really aren't that little though).

And I think every year as I set a New Year's resolution I think someone, somehow is going to hold me to it and push me to accomplish it. Well that never happens either. So I am going to blog about everything I complete and everyone who reads this blog (not many) will know I am accomplishing my New Year's resolution for the first time in 24 (almost) years! I know I will accomplish more through the year but this will set the foundation for my motivation to get things done.

So here I go, stay tuned for the BIG BANG! 

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