January 5, 2010

Year In Review

The goal was to get this posted sooner. Unfortunately that didn't happen. At least it didn't take months. But here it is. This was our year in review. While some major things happen (big milestones for Taylor), there weren'rt too many HUGE events. Some months were more exciting than others and some were just plain boring.
In January, Taylor tried eating baby food and was hooked. Aunt Kara had a few sleep overs, a new K-State outfit was worn and someone got very good at lifting the upper half of her body off the ground.
February was a bright month! She got sun glasses and Mommy got flowers and a surprise date with Daddy to Ruth's Chris Steak House!

March was unusual in Colorado; usually the snowiest month, but in 2009 is was warm! So in March we ventured out for our first trip to teh zoo, eating popsicles in Grandma's lap, and taking rides in the new pink and purple hot rod!
April was a fun month. Tay cut her 1st two teeth, I turned 23, we celebrated Easter. (Look at those thighs!!) We dyed eggs, DJ and I made our first Easter basket for Tay and she tried eating the eggs.
May was wonderful. Mother's Day Taylor crawled, we did her hair for the first time and she really started becoming her own little person.
June meant Father's Day and a trip to the mountains to celebrate. What a fun day!!
July was a blast. Taylor swam all summer, had fun at the 4th of July party and we discovered puddles the day after.
August was a big month! Taylor started walking, DJ turned 25, I got a new job (oh, and we won't mention the car wreck)
September was the start of football games for the high school, Taylor's crazy hair days, big girl jammies and visiting big fish tanks

October was the biggest month of all so it deserves 2 pictures. Our precious lil' girl turned 1! I can't believe how fast a year can go. We went to the pumpkin patch and it snowed while we froze trying to find the perfect one. Taylor was herself - a Monkey - and loved carving pumpkins.
November was jam packed; Uncle Joel's 1st Body building competition - a couple 1st place wins and a 2nd. It meant family visiting 2 months in a row and a happy mommy! It also meant a move of residenecy right before Thanksgiving and a surgery for Gabby. 
December was magical. Taylor met Santa, we wrapped more gifts than we know what to do with now and we got our excersie while chasing Tay as she yanked all the bows off the brightly colored packages under the tree.

Looking at 2009 as a whole, I only have a few complaints. I can't change anything that happen but I will say that I welcomed 2010 with open arms. Like I said, wait for the big bang to come!!

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